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  • Writer's pictureClaireWellbeing

Composure - a poem

In the moment composed, clear, and gentle,

that moment sad, surprised, and mental.

Breathe, pause, listen deep,

from here is where you can sleep.

Reaching through memories in a blur,

lifting up to see if you stir.

Cradled, wrapped, and tearful,

held in my heart where I try to fulfil.

My love travels its way through to your heart,

hoping you feel its simple touch to ease the hurt.

Still, holding space, quiet, at home,

I care for you, you are not alone.

Settled, warm, rested, and at peace

breathing deep in the silence, release.

Awaken, fresh, a new day,

reflect, no judgement I say.

Not knowing how to feel, somewhere in the middle we both feel,

humanness prevails, tears fall, knowing glances reveal.

Follow your instincts, I'll follow mine,

Trust it'll be okay, even if just fine.

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