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Claire Robilliard

Putting self-care first to increase our capacity!



To bring positivity and growth into every interaction

What do I do:

Wellness Maker, Writer, & Podcaster

Working with me

Claire has worked with many wellbeing teams and individuals in spas, salons, massage centres, leisure clubs, health food retailers and pharmacies. She deeply listens and observes the needs of each and every business and people within it to shape a route with positivity and growth at the heart of it.

How many sales managers do you know would approach retailing skills by nurturing staff with meditation, breathwork and their own personal health, well this is Claire's natural style. Discussing the menopause in a business meeting, or imparting a skincare tip to resolve an issue that crops up and even writing out a vision shows a true approach to holistic health. This unique style leads to positive interactions, uplifted teams and growth as a result.


I have always approached my work with a bespoke nature and this is reflected in my pricing too. 

Initial conversation to discuss your needs is complimentary.

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