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The Invitation to 'BE' Well

The place to go where self-care is nurtured

In late 2022 I delivered 4 wellbeing sessions to 29 children in Year 5 at Primary School (ages 9-10) in those sessions I learned something that I could not turn away from - the need for wellbeing support. I discovered that 26 out of those 29 children were struggling to sleep, 1 child was fearful to go to sleep due to a family trauma. After that day I designed a wellbeing-focused after school club that launched on April 21st 2023 - 9 children signed up to the 10 places available!


Our Story

We began by planting seeds to create a self-care garden that we would make drinks from. And in the future we'd learn to use these ingredients in the products we would make.

After all everything in the world starts somewhere and for most 'It all starts with a seed'.

From that day forward we went on a wellbeing adventure to develop 9 self-care toolkits to support their individual wellbeing needs. At each session they are invited to do a 'wellbeing check in' so that I know where to meet them. To understand what their starting point is: for some it could be 'sadness, loneliness, or worried'; for others it would be 'calm, happy, and excited' and for many 'tired and hungry!' In the sessions I would invite them to explore their 6 senses through food, walking meditations, and tea meditations. I guide journaling sessions where they would write or draw their responses to questions. We design and create aromatherapy-based products for them to take home. I impart knowledge of self-care through a sensory curriculum covering all topics they are learning at school. Geography (learning where these oils grow best in the world); Languages (having fun pronouncing the oil names in Latin). Our product making also explores Art, Design, and Chemistry. Journaling supports the children to tap into English or drawing. And mathematical skills are required when measuring safe quantity ratios of essential oils to carrier oils.


After only 12 weeks from a group of children who were struggling to focus, felt anxious, lacked in confidence, to not sleeping. The final lesson finished with a 4-minute stillness meditation, there was no restlessness, and the energy of calm and peace amongst the children was palpable! They felt safe and calm...


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